Questacon – The National Science and Technology Centre is reopening gradually from 8 July after being closed since 21 March 2020 due to COVID-19.
The only way to see Questacon for the time being will be through the immersive guided Questacon Mission to Mars. Questacon has developed the new experience in line with physical distancing and public health guidelines.
“We’re excited to be welcoming visitors back to Questacon although it will be quite a different experience for everyone. Hands-on is hands-off for the time being,” said Professor Graham Durant, Questacon Director.
Mars is the focus of much international exploration activity. The Mission to Mars experience combines theatre and exhibition in a 90-minute tour through select galleries ending with a remarkable look at the Centre’s new 7 metre Mars globe.
“Mars has always been a source of fascination, and successive space missions have revealed the potential for microbial life early in the evolution of the planet. Questacon’s Mission to Mars introduces the challenges to be faced before humans eventually step onto the Martian surface," said Professor Durant.
The pre-booked experience is available for a maximum of 15 people per session, initially offered 3-4 times per day. These tours will allow visitors to experience Questacon in a very different way. Mission to Mars is aimed at visitors aged 6 years and above.
“Through the Mission to Mars experience we aim to inspire further curiosity about Mars, the other planets in our Solar System, and beyond. Three international space missions to Mars are scheduled to launch in the coming months. In 2021 we might well find evidence of former life on another planet!” said Professor Durant.
Pre-bookings for Questacon Mission to Mars are essential. Tickets can be purchased online from the Questacon website www.questacon.edu.au
Media contact: Questacon – The National Science and Technology Centre 02 6270 2907 or communications@questacon.edu.au